
All of my favorite humans have had lives full of adversity. All of them. Pick any one of them and dig deep into their path.  What you will find are days, weeks, months, years, when they were battered by life.

What else will you discover? Those same humans now laugh, arm in arm, side by side, as a bonded community, sharing what they have endured. Because they have sorted out that the best parts of our own lives are found in the moments we can finally laugh about how desperate things had once become. 

Life is truly one big compilation of moments; some of those include a temporary reality that is cold and hard. Like any one of the bricks in the picture above. 

But the real survivors, the real humans….the ones who are cut from the fabric I admire the most….will gather up each “brick” life launches at them. Each and every time, they will stand back up, they will dust themselves off, and they will use that cold, hard experience. 

Those humans, the ones that are the best of us, will process what happened, and then will use that brick’s “gifts.”

So the once cold and hard nature of the brick will now be a useful component of our lives, and it will become a lesson that moves us forward. A foundation with which to walk upon. And one of the most beautiful, ancillary benefits of this whole thing, is that the times of pain and suffering, the moments where things were at their worst, will – upon a glance in our rearview mirror – create the beautiful path that is our life. 

Good things ☺


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